Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's The Time of Year to 'Invest'

invest  | in 'vest |  v.  to cover (archaic).  Origin of invest:  Latin investire (to clothe) ; from in- + vestis (garment)
Yes .  It's the time of year when 25% of the commercials and ads you see or read are about "investing" in your future.  I took this to heart, but in my own way.  I decided to "invest" in Anthony's future -- his immediate clothing future, that is!

Anthony loves (let me say that again ... loves) to wear sweater vests that I knit for him.  Linda says it's always his choice when he gets to pick his clothes himself.  Cute!  He outgrew the vest I made last fall and Linda had to pack it away because Anthony was still trying to squeeze into it even though it fit like a 90's "belly shirt"!!

With his birthday approaching, I decided to knit him a new vest.  Anthony's birthday was March 15th.  I finished the vest at 11:00 p.m. on March 14th!!  Nothing like working down to the wire.  When he opened it, he must have said "Thank you, Oma!" about 6 or 7 times.  You know it's a hit when a 4-year-old says thank you spontaneously and often.

It's fairly plain;  gray so it goes with lots of his clothes;  has a soft, subtle texture;  and is nice and long so it will last for a while.
Kids vests are quick to knit and he loves them so.  I'm on to a new project already -- which can't be mentioned here because the recipient may read this!  

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