Monday, November 29, 2010

pro·duc·tion  | prō’ dƏk shƏn |  the action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials

With Christmas nearing, I feel as though I am in knitting production mode!  I always seem to decide very late in the game what I would like to knit for Christmas gifts.  I really have to work on the whole "planning ahead" thing when it comes to my knitting!

I may not have posted much in the last 6 weeks, but I have been busy.  I have knitted:

A sweater for Anthony (larger size than shown here!)

A sweater for Jacob
(He likes cardigans.)

4 pairs of slippers (2 more to go)

2 ascots
(I haven't taken a picture of mine,
but this is what they look like)

I'm working on an evening bag right now out of pretty sparkly yarn that uses a clasped purse frame at the top.  The knitting part was easy.  Making a lining and figuring out how to attach it to the frame is proving to be a bit of a challenge.  The pattern instructions were oh-so-helpful:  "Trace knitted bag to make a lining pattern.  Sew lining.  Sew knitted bag onto lining.  Attach to purse frame."  I have a feeling this will take a few attempts!  Finding the purse frame proved to be quite the challenge and after a couple of weeks of searching and calling, I ended up ordering from an online craft outlet that carries purse fittings.  It came directly from China -- oddly enough in about 5 days form ordering!

I have a few other things in the works, but can't divulge them just yet.  The recipients may read this!!